School Age Open Gym – Ages 6 and up
Open Gym time: Sunday 4:30-6:00PM
Explore all of the gymnastics equipment and try new skills in a safe and supervised environment! This is a time where kids can enjoy non-structured time in the gym. Open Gym is available to both current students and non-enrolled friends, but space is limited so plan to arrive on time.
We strive to make our Open Gyms fun and SAFE for all participants. Please refer to our Open Gym Safety Rules before coming into the gym.
All children in attendance must have our General Activities Waiver filled out and signed by their own parent or legal guardian in order to be allowed to use any equipment. Participants over 18 must sign the waiver themselves.
Attire: Children should wear athletic shorts and t-shirts with no shoes or socks; girls may wear leotards.
Cost: $10 per person for non-members/guests, $5 for members. Credit cards are NOT accepted for Open Gym; cash and check only.
*Team and Pre-Team Gymnasts may participate at no charge
Preschool Open Gym – Ages 5 and under
Open Gym time: Sunday 4:30-6:00pm
Preschool Open Gym is ONLY for children ages 5 and under. Parents of children 35 months and younger may enter the play area (without shoes) to assist their own children if needed.
Cost: $5 per child
All children in attendance must have our General Activities Waiver filled out and signed by their own parent or legal guardian in order to be allowed to use any equipment.